Monday, November 20, 2017


 This was a great Voxbox from our friends over at Influenster and the other brands who participated. I was honored to receive this box again this year and it was just as amazing! Inside consist of coupons and goodies. The TimTam Biscuits were delicious and my family loves them♡. The French' s Crispy Jalapenos, In was pretty familiar with from last year and they make a great addition to recipes you may want to spice up during the holidays. Check out some great recipes and coupons here:
 The Bigelow Tea I must say I wasn't a fan of and NO it will not make me convert from my Yogi Teas lol sorry! The Country Crock I love and when Influenster and Country Crock give you a coupon for money off, it makes it even better!!😊
Del Monte is a trusted brand! The Fresh Cut Golden Sweet Whole Kernel Corn is scrumptious and will compliment any meal or chowder.

Check out these brands at your local supermarket and if you're an influencer, check out influenster:

Disclaimer: I received this item free of charge in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. Never would I jeopardize my character by giving falsified information to potential consumers.

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